Daily Archives: May 15, 2008

Feeling the love

Today I had to go into my office for a good deal of the day.  My sister-in-law was kind enough to watch the girls for me. When I went to pick them up I got mixed reactions from the girls.

Cake was SUPER happy to see me, she stared fussing for me to pick her up when she heard my voice, but before she even saw me.  When I put her down for a minuet to help Peanut she started crying!  Poor kid.  It’s one of those times when you are happy/sad.  Because you don’t want your kids to be sad, but it’s nice that they love you so much.

Peanut on the other hand, was crushed that I showed up because she knew that would mean it was time to go home.

Well, you can’t win them all.